Fools wear bright colours
and dance erratically
Serious folk
Think Fools don't know where we're going.
In Tarot, they're card zero.
Unlike the grown-up cards
The Fool can not be contained or defined
by a number.
Zero, like Infinity
Is impossible to grasp.
We love it
We're fascinated
We hate it.
In a playing deck, the Joker
Is anything.
Often left out
But when needed, all-powerful.
By being nothing
Hard to Catch
The Fool is Greater than the rest.
Fools are temporarily popular
When the mood is good.
They're the first to burn
When the crowd needs to blame.
Do you dare to be the Fool?
If not, if you're afraid –
Take a number. Be anything else.
Be easier to tame.
Be safe.
Do not go out naked, naive, innocent
on a mal-informed adventure.
wise men say that
fools rush in
where angels fear to tread
But indecision is more foolish!
Do Something,
And if you hate that,
Do Something Else.
That is wisdom
The wisdom of innocence.
Of rushing in
And carrying on
Go with a pure clear heart
See, adapt
Climb, continue
Believe. Try.
And keep trying.
Don't listen to the numbered folks.
The rules folks
The "you can't" folks.
You can. If you will.
The Fool will.
The Fool always will.
Because the Fool has not heard
that she can't.
So she will.
Ignorance is bliss is possibility.